At Reading Pride and MyUmbrella we believe that in a world where equality is never a second thought, and with that mission in mind we created “Love Unites” as a festival to bring everyone together and we as an organisation are not a voiceless advocate, we will always fight for equality, fight for freedom and through the power of music and our role as a Pride Charity, we will never give up on you!
The work Reading Pride and MyUmbrella does to bring everyone together as one of the most pioneering prides in the United Kingdom our aim is to ensure that everyone feels part of an ever growing inclusive community and through our pride festival, our visionary educational booklets pioneered by MyUmbrella and a team of the best events Committee, Trustee’s and Ambassadors you will ever meet, we bring Reading and the world the best pride without prejudice to anyone who believes in our mission.
In a world shrouded with hate and oppression we hope that in our little way our Love Unites message will give people the spirit and energy to rise up and defend those who are oppressed and those activists past and present who fight and have fought for our freedom, we are in your debt.
So when we are asked what is the Love Unites Festival, we answer simply with “It is our right as a Pride to protest against inequality and protect those most vulnerable.”
“Together our voices will drown out hate and inequality”