Alice Driver’s Quiet Zone

About Alice

Alice Driver was a remarkable individual whose life was defined by her unwavering commitment to helping others, even in the face of personal adversity. As an activist, she was known for her fierce passion and dedication to volunteering, particularly in aiding refugees and those less fortunate. Alice’s courage was evident as she continued her humanitarian efforts while undergoing treatment for a brain tumour, never allowing her own struggles to overshadow her mission to uplift others.
Her resilience was matched by her humility; Alice never complained about her situation, instead choosing to focus on the needs of those around her. In her final message to the world, she left a legacy of compassion and courage, urging people to “be brave and be the kindest human beings you can be.” Alice Driver’s life serves as an enduring inspiration, reminding us all of the power of kindness and the importance of standing up for others, no matter the personal cost.

At Deloitte our purpose is to make an impact that matters, whether that’s through the professional services we provide for our clients, through engaging with society, or through working with our people.  We have a range of diversity networks which connect different groups within our firm, ensuring our people have the support networks in place to help them thrive. Proud at Deloitte provides networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies across the firm and provides opportunities for our people to develop and maintain new and existing client and community relationships.

Our Reading Proud network has been involved with Reading Pride for the last three years. To create value for people at the event we decided to provide a dedicated quiet zone aimed at providing a safe space for those who identify as neurodiverse.  Reading Pride connected us with Fifi’s Vision to do this and our partnership is all about providing a safe space for people at the event to reset and recharge who otherwise would have to leave the event.

Sponsored by Deloitte

Supported by Fifi’s Vision

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