NHS PrideInU
The Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is immensely honored to take part in Reading Pride. They are committed to introducing their services to the community, aiming to connect with individuals who might not typically seek assistance. Collaborating with their counterparts from the Royal Berkshire Hospital, they are set to establish an ephemeral wellness hub named ‘PrideInU’. This dynamic space will spotlight an array of health and wellbeing services, accompanied by a series of concise events, workshops, and sessions scheduled throughout the day.
Health Check
Want to know your blood pressure? Come down to the PrideInU tent for a range of free health checks which will be taking place between 12-4pm.
Sexual Health Service
They offer advice on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and any other sexual health problems. The service is free, confidential, and non-judgemental.
Talking Therapies
Available to anyone aged 17 and over, their friendly and approachable service you can turn to if you want to talk about issues like depression, stress, anxiety, or phobias.
Recruitment & Retention
Looking for a challenging new role? Our recruitment team is at Pride. Come and find out more about the fantastic range of opportunities they have available and discover why they’re a #GreatPlaceToWork.
Health Visiting
Their health visitors can offer support and practical advice on many aspects of child development as well as family health. We aim to help children get the best possible start in life.
OpCourage: Veterans’ Mental Health & Wellbeing Service
They’re committed to helping our veterans in every way possible; caring for their mental and physical health, supporting them and their family and carers to live a healthy and happy lifestyle, and ensuring that they have equal access to any employment opportunities with us.